
     我總覺得, 造福人群是一大樂事, 對的事情就不應該要向不對的事情低頭, 雖然我喜歡低調, 但中國人的好處就是, 我不犯人, 人不犯我, 也是我個人的生活哲學, 不求戰但不避戰, 人若犯我, 套句當年蔣先生的話 "蓋戰端一開啟,地無分南北,人不分老幼,無論任何人,皆有守土抗戰之責,應抱犧牲一切的決心,我們只有犧牲到底,抗戰到底,才能博得最後勝利。"

      雖不覺得非常合適, 但至少能符合最近發生所讓我感受到的心情, 在各位往下看之前, 先跟各位報告, 經諮詢確認, 團購絕對未侵犯任何第三方的權利, 也未違反任何法律, 所以,  團購並不會因種種的小動作而停止, 過去有許多的小動作, 將來一定也會有更多的小動作, 買家具和幫助人是我的興趣而不是我的職業, 因此, 沒有人能阻止我做我喜歡做的事情

      團購並非轉售, 我並沒有從團購中賺取利潤, 所有團購商品購買地點在美國而非在台灣, 所以所有的買賣交易行為皆在美國當地發生, 受到美國當地法律對消費者的保障, 所有物品皆由團購成員委託授權並支付運費交運到指定地點, 所有商品來源皆由美國 Ethan Allen 出貨

     事情是非自在人心, 感謝支持團購的人, 也謝謝做這些小動作的人天天來我的 blog 瀏覽, 替我衝人氣, 總之, 良心過的去即可, 至少中華民國是個法治的社會, 是個能分辨是非的國家

     下列文件由 Yahoo 提供, 內容一字不變的提供給各位:

November 4, 2009

12F, No 100, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd
Zhongzheng Dist.
Taipei City 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Attention: Legal Department

Re: Copyright Infringement

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (NYSE: ETH). Its wholly owned subsidiary, Ethan Allen Global, Inc. owns the intellectual property associated with the Ethan Allen brand.  We have been made aware of someone selling Ethan Allen furniture as well as using copyrighted material in that pursuit using the Taiwan-Yahoo website.

An authorized licensee in Taiwan has made us aware of a Yahoo blog.  I have attempted to access the blog, but have not been able to; however, my associate here in Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A. has been able to access the blog and download the infringing material which is cited as follows:

While individual consumer's resale of Ethan Allen product cannot be stopped, the individual/company associated with this site/blog directs individuals to go into the local authorized retailer's site and gain product information.  The postings on Yahoo showing and depicting product and marketing material is copyrighted material and is not in the public domain.  There are obviously a number of issues associated with this matter, however shutting down the use of copyrighted material is necessary to close down the unauthorized sale of Ethan Allen product.

The use of Ethan Allen's copyrighted material is an infringement and is subject to prosecution.  As you should appreciate, Ethan Allen invests a great deal of time, money and resources in the development and marketing of its product and services.  Ethan Allen firmly intends to guard its intellecutual property from unauthorized use and copying by others.

Therefore, requests is being made for Taiwan-Yahoo to take steps necessary to stop and prevent further infringement.  I ask that the appropriate individual at Taiwan-Yahoo confirm the steps taken and that no further infringement will occur.

We are, of course, hopeful that this matter may be resolved on an amicable basis with a spirit of mutual cooperation and in the interest of design integrity.  These demands are made without prejudice to all other rights and remedies Ethan Allen has based upon your unlawful acts, including damages, injunctive relief and attorney's fees.

Very Truly yours,

Pamela A. Banks
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

cc: D. Grow
      E. Hsieh

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    R先生 進口家具團購~ 大家一起從國外原廠買, 大家一起省錢!

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