美國的 Ethan Allen 最近促銷 Disney 迪士尼系列家具, 全面 7 折而且還有免運費, 詳細的規則請看下方從官方網站上擷取的資料
如果您是 Disney 忠實粉絲, 您一定會對這些家具愛不釋手, 不論過了多少年, 不論幾歲的人, 看到迪士尼的家具都會忍不住多看幾眼
當然, 您也可以去看看清倉商品, 目前的清倉商品區有很多便宜可以撿, 例如 https://www.ethanallen.com/en_US/shop-clearance-living-room/claude-end-table%2C-french-gray/378403+++662.html?site=#start=1 這張法式邊桌, 折合台幣不過 8000 元, 這種價格大概比五股家具還便宜
大家若有興趣參加這一次的團購, 別忘了 12/29 要完成匯款, 否則 12/30 和 12/31 基本上美國是沒有甚麼人還在專心上班的, 一堆人都已經開始放假或是想著要去哪裡跨年了, 有問題請發問, 謝謝!
December 1-31, 2017
Save up to 60% in store and online
includes clearance, floor samples, and more*
Save 30% on Ethan Allen | Disney*
use code DISNEY30 at checkout
Free standard UPS shipping on select items†
*Discounts are taken off our Everyday Best Prices. Prior reductions may have been taken. 60% savings offer excludes Ethan Allen | Disney items and TEMPUR-Ergo™ Premier adjustable motion bases. Offers cannot be combined with any other savings offers, sales, discounts, coupons, or promotions except applicable financing offers and cannot be applied to prior purchases, pending deliveries, sales tax, shipping and delivery charges, gift cards, or furniture protection plans. Clearance items: All prices as marked reflect condition. No additional discounts will be given. All merchandise is sold "AS IS," final sale, no warranty or refunds. Quantities are limited—merchandise varies by store and all items are subject to prior sale. All merchandise must be paid for in full at time of purchase. For purchases in store, you must provide your own packing materials and moving assistance beyond our building; delivery is available at additional charge. †May exclude delivery to certain locations. Offers end December 31, 2017.