老實說, R先生收到美國 Stickley 店經理的 e-mail 也非常的訝異, 因為 Stickley 價格一向是很硬, 硬的比石頭還硬, 現在居然在美國的


 Labor Day 要打 8 折, 這真是太難得的折扣, 難道美國的景氣真的變這麼差, 逼得這些 "高貴" 家具品牌也開始下海打折扣戰, 但不管到


底真相為何, 反正有折扣就要把握, R先生自己已經選好了一張皮沙發了, 等著要在 9/4 下單, R先生算過, 價格差了將近 3萬多塊錢台幣,


 真的是很值得, 至於和台灣的價格相比, R先生就不說差多少錢了, 免得之前在台灣買的人會吐血



      各位肖想 Stickley 很久但又覺得太貴的人, 這次算是大好時機, 要問價格的趕快發問, 別折扣時間過了才懊悔, 那 R先生也幫不了你,


 Stickley 不是 R先生開的, 所以別問何時還會有折扣, 想買的人請參加這次的團購, 9/4 日當天前付清款項, 有問題請發問



    收到 e-mail 的內容如下:


Fellow Stickley Enthusiast,

We have decided to have a very special Stickley Event (last minute decision!) during the Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 4, 5 & 6Th!  During those three days, only, we will be allowing a 20% discount on any one piece of Stickley Furniture you order.

The Labor Day offer does extend to all of the Stickley Collections:  Mission, Traditional, Metro, 21st Century, Edinburgh, Stickley Fine Upholstery, Craftsman Leather, Antiquities and John Widdicomb.  Nichols & Stone is not included.

I hope this helps freshen up your home/s for the Holidays.  It’s closer than we all realize!


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