R先生今天收到美國 Ethan Allen 店經理的通知, 美國 Ethan Allen 將於七月份開始, 全面調漲價格, 至於會不會調漲價格然後再以打折的手法變相降價, 這個 R先生沒辦法預測,
但以過去的經驗, 美國 Ethan Allen 每年年中會調漲價格已經成為固定的模式
五月份的促銷大概是漲價前的最後一波購買時機, 由於美國 Ethan Allen 店經理並沒有告知漲幅, 所以 R先生真的沒概念會漲多少, 每次預告某個品牌會漲價, 許多團購成員就
開始追問漲幅, 拜託一下, R先生不是半仙, 也沒能力去預測世界末日, 因此更沒辦法知道到底哪個商品是漲價 1% 還是 10%, R先生是人不是神, 所以別要求 R先生做些沒人能
達成的任務, 目前看到的平均漲幅是 4% -- 7%
R先生不知道貼出美國 Ethan Allen 店經理給的 Ethan Allen 漲價通知信件, 會不會害到這位店經理, 因此 Ethan Allen 內部的這封信就不轉貼給大家分享了, 但 R先生會
照本宣科的將信件內容重點部分, 原封不動的打出來和各位分享, 所有的漲幅都是依照信件內容, 並不是 R先生自己胡扯瞎掰的
還是那句話, 這些家具品牌不是 R先生開的, R先生也不是從事家具業, 因此咱們團購只能想辦法在可見的範圍內, 集結大家的力量來省錢
想參加這次 5月 31日截止團購的人, 趕快努力做功課吧! 所有團購的品牌家具都可以購買, 不僅限 Ethan Allen 而已, Pottery Barn, Baker, Stickley, 和所有其他的牌子都可以買,
截止日期相同, 有問題請發問!
May 19, 2011
Dear Retailer,
As I have communicated to you over the past few months, we have been faced with rising cost pressures in many areas. We have been able to absorb some of these costs due to increases in productivity and increase in volume.
Effective July 2, 2011, we will be taking a price increase, and as such, we have provided suggested Everyday Best Prices (EBP). Basae on the suggested EBP increases will amount to:
* Case goods average increase of approximately 4%
* Upholstery frame (sofas and chairs) average increase of about 4%
* Accents will be increased about 7%
As you know, despite these price increases, Ethan Allen continues to represent great value both in our Everyday Best Prices (EBP) and in our suggested Sale prices.
The updated price pages for all categories, both dealer cost and suggested Everyday Best Price (EBP), are now posted on the Extranet. One full set of price pages and one full set of tags will be sent to each Design Center beginning early June.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Txxxx Pxxxxxxx xxxxx@ethanalleninc.com
Fxxxxxx Kxxxxxxx
- May 26 Thu 2011 09:59
美國 Ethan Allen 七月份全面漲價預告-- 第 32次團購 5月31日截止